due items from USA to Sweden
30 Dec 1946
to 30 Jun1948/23 May 1949
US foreign
surface letter rate 5 c
US Conversion
rate 1 US cent = 5 goldcentimes (From 1 Jul 1948 the US conversion rate
was changed to 3 goldcentimes but items with the rate are known as late
as 23 May 1949)
Swedish conversion
rate 1 goldcentime = 1.2 öre
US handstamp
shows amount to pay in goldcentimes, normally double deficeincy.
In Sweden
the indicated amount was multiplied by 1.2 and rounded up to nearest 5
öre and marked on the item. The amount due was normally paid by affixing
stamps on the item.
Letter with
3 cent. Correct rate 5 cent. Shortpaid 2 cent. US due handstamp indicates
double deficiency 2x2x5=20 centimes. Amount due in Sweden 20x1.2=24 öre
rounded up to 25 öre. Amount due paid by affixing stamps on the item.