17 Feb 2009
21x26 mm
Items known:
8.9.1927 Stockholm
via France to Monaco, violet
10.12.1927 Stockholm
to Kaunas (Lithuania) (15 c)

8.9.1927, Local letter
remailed to France and Monaco. Original rate 10 öre. Foreign rate
25 öre Amount due 15 öre = 15 goldcentimes which is filled in
in the due handstamp. Converted to 90 French centimes. Remailed and each
time the old due stamps have been cancelled and new affixed. One 30 c stamp
is missing. Of some reason 180 c have been affixed in Monaco. Due handstamp
is located under the Swedish due label affixed when the item returned in
Sweden. The separate illustration of the due handstamp is a reconstruction
from the similar handstamp with 100c value.