16 Aug 2009
6 1/4
16x21.5 mm
black, violet or blue
Items known:
18.7.1906 Stockholm
to Binz (DE)
25.7.1906 Helsingborg
to West Nuttley NJ (US), blue
28.7.1906 Anstahyttan
to Dresden (DE), blue
28.7.1906 Upsala to
Canstatt (DE), blue
18.8.1906 Tranås
to Berlin (DE), violet
31.10.1906 Upsala
to Dresden (DE), blue
6.12.1906 Falun to
Charlottenburg (DE), violet
20.12.1906 Gammalkil
to Berlin Cahrlottenburg (DE), black
22.12.1906 Stockholm
via Gefle to Sevilla (ES), black
31.12.1906 PLK to
Oldenburg (DE), blue
4.1.1907 Barfva to
Paris (FR)
9.1.1907 Stjernsund
to Dresden (DE), blue
4.3.1907 T (Malmö)
to Brooklyn, NY (US), violet
21.5.1907 Stockholm
to Stuttgart (DE)
17.6.1907 Söderköping
to Felixstow (UK), violet
3.8.1907 Åre
to Haag (NL)
9.8.1907 Göteborg
to Ueberlingen (DE)
10.8.1907 Ystad to
Scharley (DE), blue
30.8.1907 Slottsbron
to Königsberg (DE), blue
2.9.1907 Pkxp 8B to
Dorchester MA (US), blue
13.9.1907 Göteborg
to Bruxelles (BE)
25.9.1907 Stockholm
to Hull (UK), violet
11.8.1908 Helsingborg
via Göteborg to S Petersburg (RU), violet
10.5.1910 Skövde
to Torquay (UK), blue
27.6.1914 Skagersbrunn
via Stockholm to Bad Homburg (DE), violet
25.9.1907. Postcard
to England. Correct rate 10 öre. Shortpaid 5 öre. Due handstamp
indicates amount missing 5 öre/0.80=6 1/4 centimse. Doubled and converted
to 1 penny.