12 Mar 2010
18c, "c" 5x2 mm, rounded
pot 17x19 mm
Items known:
22.1.1953 Stockholm
Ban to Wolfgang bei Hanau (DE), violet
14.10.1953 Ronneby
to Culver City, CA (US), violet
28.1.1954 Göteborg
to Groningen (NL), violet
20.3.1954 Dingle to
New York, NY (US), violet
2.7.1954 Göteborg
1 to London (UK), violet
25.5.1955 Göteborg
1 to Biel (CH), violet
24.1.1956 to Baltimore
MD (US), violet
29.5.1956 Göteborg
3 to Morocco, violet
24.10.1956 Göteborg
1 to Birmingham (UK), violet
21.1.1956 Air mail
letter to USA 5-10 grammes. Correct rate 90 öre. Shortpaid 15 öre.
Amount due 2x15/1.70=18 centimes (gold). Converted to 6 US cents at the
rat 1 US cent=3 centimes.