/revised 1 May 2004
T 14 2/7 c
Flower Pot 17x19 mm, "14" 4 mm wide
Colour: Violet
Items known:
16.1.1946 Norrköping 7 to Genève (CH), violet
4.8.1946(?) to Redford Notts (UK), violet
4.8.1946 Stockholm 1 to Cleveland, OH (US), violet

16.1.1846. Letter to Switzerland. Correct rate 30 öre. Shortpaid 10 öre. Amount due 2x10/1.40=14 2/7 centimes. At this time Switzerland did not use the UPU rule for postage due on incoming mail. Instead, before, 1 Jul 1953, the amount due was calculated as the double amount missing in the sending country divided by the foreign letter rate in the sending country multiplied by the Swiss foreign letter rate rounded up to nearest 5 centimes. For this letter it would be (2x10 öre/30 öre)x30 Swiss centimes = 20 centimes as indicated in black manuscript. (Litterature: Schweizer Briefmarken Zeitung 2003:10 p. 348-351)