/added 24 Jul 2005
Postage due items from USA to Sweden
2 Mar 1974 - 30 April 1975
US foreign surface letter rate 18 c
Swedish foreign surface letter rate 100 öre
US handstamp shows amount to pay in US cents (normally double deficiency) and US surface letter rate.
In Sweden the indicated fraction multiplied by 100 rounded up to nearest 5 öre was normally paid by affixing stamps on the item.

Letter with 10 c. Correct Rate 18 c. Due handstamp indicates double deficiency 16 c and foreign surface letter rate 18 c. Swedish due label indicates 16/18 of foreign surface letter rate 100 = 88.88 öre rounded up to 90 öre. Stamps for the amount due should normally be affixed on the item, but the due was sometimes paid together with other fees or ignored.