/added 7 Feb 2010
T 110/200
Unframed 16x11 mm
Colour: unknown
200 öre rate period 16.6.1980-31.5.1981
Most typical use: 5-10 grammes air mail cover to some non-European countries paid at old surface rate.
Items known:
18.11.1980 Göteborg to Jos (Nigeria)
5.1.19881 Göteborg to Jos (Nigeria)

18.11.1980. Air mail letter 0-5 grammes to Nigeria. Correct rate 200 öre + 40 öre/5 grammes = 240 öre. Shortpaid 110 öre. Due handstamp indicates deficiency 110 öre and foreign letter rate 200 öre. The Nigerian postage due should be 110/200 of the Nigerian foreign letter rate and a handeling fee but it is probably not correctly calculated on this item